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Cage training for puppies

Cage or crate training is a popular method for puppy owners to train their dogs. While some people may view it as a cruel or inhumane practice, when done correctly, cage training can be highly beneficial for puppies. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why cage training is beneficial for puppies.

First and foremost, cage training provides a safe and secure environment for puppies. Puppies are naturally curious and love to explore their surroundings. This can lead them to get into trouble, and they may even put themselves in danger. By providing a cage or crate, puppies have a safe place to rest, relax and retreat to when they feel scared or anxious. This is especially important when puppies are left alone at home or during bedtime. It also provides the owner with peace of mind that the puppy isn't chewing on something dangerous like a toxic plant or electrical wire.

Cage training also helps with housebreaking. Puppies have a natural instinct to keep their living spaces clean. By confining them in a cage indoors, they will learn to hold their bladder and bowel movements until they are let outside. This can speed up the housebreaking process and make it less stressful for both the puppy and the owner.

Using a cage on grass can also be a helpful tool. This technique is also known as "grass cage training." Grass cage training is useful because it provides the puppy with a designated potty area, which can help them develop a preference for a particular substrate (in this case, grass). By using a cage on grass, owners can limit the puppy's access and prevent them from going potty in unwanted areas. They will soon learn to only use grass.

In addition, cage training can help prevent destructive behavior. Puppies, like human babies, go through a teething phase and love to chew on everything in sight. By providing a cage, owners can limit the puppy's access to household items that they may be tempted to chew on. This can prevent damage to furniture, shoes, and other belongings.

Cage training can also help puppies feel comfortable if the need arises to be contained in a cage. Whether it's a visit to the vet, a trip to the groomer or cage rest after surgery, associating a cage with a safe space can provide puppies with a sense of security, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

Lastly, cage training can strengthen the bond between puppies and their owners. When puppies are trained to view their cage as a safe and secure environment, they are more likely to feel relaxed and comfortable around their owners. This can foster a sense of trust and comfort in the relationship between owner and puppy.

So when do I use the cage? I will put the puppies in the cage when we leave for short errands like dropping the kids off at school or going for a quick shop run. I also use it during feeding time as the older dogs would love to help the puppies finish off their food. It is also great to use when you have a lot of vehicles moving like during a party at arrival and departure. Puppies love seeking a cool spot under a vehicle and will sometimes continue to slumber even when you start the vehicle. I also use it when they want to nap as this is a great time to show them that the cage is a safe space for a snooze.

In conclusion, cage training can be a highly beneficial practice for puppies when done correctly. It provides them with a safe and secure environment, helps with housebreaking, prevents destructive behavior, and can help puppies feel more comfortable in new environments. I wouldn't think to raise puppies without the help of a cage ever again. With patience, consistency and positive reinforcement, cage training can be an effective method for raising happy and healthy puppies. Please note that cage training doesn't mean you leave your puppy in a cage for hours on end. Read my blog on how to cage train a puppy for more information.

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